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5. Disconnect - Turn it Off

On Friday, March 15th Christchurch changed forever with the Mosque Shootings. Over the weekend I found myself glued to the internet and TV searching for updates on what actually happened as my brain simply couldn’t comprehend it. On Sunday night by husband said “turn it off, I don’t want to see it anymore”. Initially I was taken aback but he was right. Everytime you read an article or see a clip, it just brings it right back and you replay things over and over in your mind. So for the next couple of weeks we disconnected and got on with life. It wasn’t a total news or social media ban, it just meant we didn’t keep replaying and reliving the event over and over. I’m a teacher so it’s not like you can hide away from what is happening in the lives of the students and the communities we serve. It just meant that we could get on and function as best we could. This wasn’t what I would call a challenge, this was more keeping it together. Sometimes, you just need to disconnect, turn it off and send love to those whose lives are lost and to the families whose lives will never be the same again.