18. Give More to Grow More
For some reason I have this uncanny ability to find four-leaf clovers and we all know that this is a symbol for good luck. The weird thing is I usually find them when someone I know needs a ‘little bit of good’ in their lives. I was walking to the office on my way to work and for some reason I was drawn to the ground, when low and behold out popped a perfect four leaf clover. My friend in the office had just lost her father in law so I went straight to her and gave her the clover. It is like the 4-leaf clovers are never meant for me, my job is just the messenger to give it to someone who could do with a little bit of a boost.
So the next 18 days challenge revealed itself and it was super simple. I just gave something to someone everyday, something simple like my time, presence or a small gift. I gave it with thought and love, and with no expectation of receiving anything back. The reality is by losing the attachment of expecting something in return I actually gained so much more.