16. Priming

Fresh from attending Tony Robbins ‘Unleash the Power Within’ event I was keen to put into action the daily priming routine that we learnt. This technique ‘primes’ you for a day of intentional success to face the world as the best version of yourself. The routine takes about 14 minutes (you can google search it) and it contains a mix of radical breathing patterns (Wym Hoff type breathing, he was the inspiration for the ‘it’s freaking freezing challenge’) and meditation/visualisation around gratitude, outcomes and love.

I put the routine in place and during the 18 day challenge I probably only skipped a couple of days. If you haven’t tried meditation/visualisation or different breathing techniques this type of activity might freak you out a little bit. It’s like you need to be ‘primed’ for ‘priming’. I loved it. It filled me up with a sense of purpose, intentionality and readiness to ‘win the day’.

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