We Get to Reset


This is from a poet and he writes simple poems for complicated times. Here is a link to his website www.probablytomfoolery.com


We have been forced to live differently, where our individual needs have been superseded by the ‘collective good' of many. It has not been easy, but it is a chance to consider a reset. I know with living through the Christchurch Earthquakes that although, it was the ‘hardest time’, it was a time where we collectively focused on what was important and it bought out the best in many. However, life has a way of ‘getting in the way’ and wearing you down, pulling you away from what really matters. So before we get thrust back into the ‘rat race’ and the pressures of ‘making up for lost time’, maybe just slow down and ponder on a few of those big life questions:

  • what makes a good life?

  • what’s most important?

  • how do we live in a way moving forward that is inline with our values?

Here is a printable PDF template with a few of these questions that you are welcome to use.


The Great Realisation www.probablytomfoolery.com

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