11. It's Freaking Freezing
In this challenge there was no hiding the epic battle between body and mind. Day 1 started with a normal shower, then for 30 secs I turned the shower onto cold and took the full blast of freezing cold water! Each day I extended the time for 5 seconds and on the 18th day, in the middle of Winter, standing in a freezing cold shower, I made a full 2 minutes! It was ‘freaking freezing’. This challenge was about being uncomfortable in an extremely uncomfortable situation. I literally would turn it cold and just wait for the freeze to hit. Every cell in my body literally screamed “stop”and I had to sit in the feeling, accept it, breathe through it and over time I actually started to look forward to it. The inspiration came from some of the ‘peak performer types’ I’d been listening to on podcasts. There is this guy called Wymm Hoff who has the most amazing control over his mind and body and he has done some crazy challenges. The idea is that this type of activity builds up your internal bank of resilience everyday because you lean into the hard stuff and handle it! If you want to try a challenge that really ‘shakes you up’ and ‘tests you in the moment’ this is the one for you.